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1. I certify that I am at least 21 years of age and that I wish to view and/or purchase photos, videos, and/or other adult and/or bestiality oriented materials for my own personal use in the privacy of my home and have the legal right to possess adult and/or bestiality material in my community.

2. I certify that material obtained from this web site will not be available to minors.

3. By logging on, I will have released and discharged the providers, owners and creators of this site from any and all liability which might arise.

4. I certify that the viewing and purchasing of adult and/or bestiality oriented materials is not in violation of any local or state laws in the area to which I am transporting this material.

5. I understand the standards and laws of the community, site and computer to which I am transporting this material, and am solely responsible for my actions.

6. Bookmarking to a page on this server/site whereby this warning page is by-passed shall constitute an implicit acceptance of the foregoing terms herein set forth.

7. If I use these services in violation of the above agreement, I understand I may be in violation of local and/or federal laws and am solely responsible for my actions.

8. I further certify that I am not a city, county, state, federal, or other law enforcement officer, nor am I an inspector or official of the U.S. Postal Service, ordering or viewing this material with the intention of using said material as evidence for prosecution or harassment of any individual or organization.
